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My Favorite
Darjeeling Cream Earl Grey

Darjeeling Cream Earl Grey

In stock: 254
Caffeine Level (mg/1g)

An inspiring Earl Grey Cream with a base of single-origin Darjeeling tea that is luxurious, creamy, delicate, and refreshing.

Darjeeling is a distinctive black tea from world-famous tea plantations in India. Darjeeling is a refreshing tea that is characteristically light and provides a clean, floral, crisp finish. Cream, vanilla flavor, cornflower, and sliced citrus is added for a balanced taste. Bergamot slices are included as it makes a classic “Earl Grey” taste; it has natural aromatherapy properties and is known to help ease stress, acting as a mild anti-depressant.

Darjeeling Cream Earl Grey smells divine while steeping. Its flavor is creamy with high bergamot notes and a hint of vanilla cream. The infusion tastes like a fine “London Fog”, as it is citrusy, rich, buttery, and creamy. For a luxurious take on a famous Earl Grey tea experience, try our Darjeeling Earl Grey Cream for your next cuppa.

Featured ingredients
How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1 TSP or 1 BAG
3 - 4 min
Darjeeling Black tea, Bergamot pieces, Cornflower, Natural flavor
Sascha Uncia
January 2024
Oh Wow! First Impressions, this earl grey blend is really nice. The smell is fragrant with floral overtones and hints of citrus. Drinking the first cup, the floral taste and aroma are at the forefront, with mild citrus from the bergamot. The tea itself is smooth with a mild astringency, making your mouth feel slightly dry. It doesn't have any harsh notes nor is it overly bitter. I think this is definitely one of the better earl grey teas I've had the pleasure to drink.
T Titsworth
January 2024
Many years ago, I was given some Earl Gray tea by a friend. The aroma was off-putting for starters but I struggled through that and attempted to drink the concoction. It was an oily astringent taste that was very displeasing.
Fast forward to today. I received my latest order from TEALYRA TEA with contained a package of this offering of Earl Grey. I had ordered it based on remarks made about another Earl Grey and the benefits of Bergamot. Upon examining and sorting my box of assorted teas, I immediately brewed a cup of this Darjeeling Cream Earl Grey. This tasted nothing like the tea I had 40+ years ago. This tea is amazing. Very smooth and fruited, fragrant and NOT oily and nasty like my first taste. But then again, loose, fresh tea leaves verses dried chopped up stems and 'essence' of Bergamot in a teabag, mass produced and parked on a warehouse shelf for who knows how long.
I am somewhat distraught knowing I have missed drinking a really fine tea all these years. I will be reordering this on my next order.
If you haven't tried this tea, give it a shot.
B Tracy
November 2024
It's very heavy on the Bergamot, I should have ordered the smallest amount to taste test first.