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My Favorite
Hibi Uji Gyokuro

Hibi Uji Gyokuro

In stock: 280
Caffeine Level (mg/1g)

Our Hibi Uji Gyokuro is grown and produced in Uji; a city on the southern outskirts of the city of Kyoto, in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. Gyokuro is a Japanese green tea variety that is shaded for a minimum of two weeks before harvesting; this naturally increases the levels of chlorophyll in the leaf- which produces a distinctive umami-rich cup of green tea!

Our Hibi Uji Gyokuro (meaning “Daily Gyokuro” in Japanese) is an excellent high-quality, budget-friendly choice for Japanese tea lovers! Hibi Uji Gyokuro infuses a vibrant green liquor that is thick, grassy, and has a slight astringency. Its flavor is bolder than our highest quality Gyokuro varieties, making a great daily choice. Hibi Uji Gyokuro is wonderful with meals, and also makes an excellent iced green tea!

Try multiple infusions to fully explore the fullness our Hibi Uji Gyokuro has to offer! 楽しい たのしい Tanoshii (enjoy!).

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1-1.5 TSP or 1 BAG
1.5 - 2 min
Green tea
Romeo Boodhoo
October 2021
These gyokuros are medicine for me and help me attain good clarity, cognition, a calm energy and speak/think clearly. I deal with severe chronic pain which disrupts the brain and nervous system when it goes on for years, but these types of teas help me regain my brain. Thanks to Tealyra for making this stuff available, my life would be a bigger struggle without this stuff. Cheers!
Bruce Anderson
December 2020
I just received this tea (Hibi Uji gryokura) and brewed it at 170 degrees for 2 minutes. I really like it! Glad I tired it. The flavor and look are as described. It is also described as an everyday gyukoa. I bought 100 grams and this will last me for a bit, but I already want to try a superior grade up and see If I can taste the difference. Highly recommend for discerning green tea lovers.
Jeff Larsen
March 2016
I compared 3 similarly priced Gyokuro varieties: Gyokuro Ureshinocha, Gyokuro Premier, and Yame Gyokura Grade 1. I found the Gyokuro Premier and Yame Gyokuro Grade 1 to be indistinguishable from each other. Both of these varieties yielded tea with a richer and better flavor than Gyokuro Ureshinocha. In all case, I heated 8 oz of water to 130F and steeped with 1 tsp of tea leaves for 1 minute.
David Alary
January 2016
J'adore ce thé. Très doux et à la fois goûteux. Un beau vert de qualité. Il fait parti de mes thés verts préféré.
See all 6 reviews