Andrew Havrilla
this month
I just received this in the mail and this is a delicious tea! I will be ordering this again. However with some of the rock sugar and fruit that's in this tea it's a bit sweet for my tastes. I will probably be experimenting with mixing it with another tea to mellow out the sweetness. However, I didn't see the nutrition information for this tea. Anyone know the sugar content per serving?
Johanna Matthiesen
February 2025
This is one of my favorites herbal teas! Perfect morning tea or afternoon pick me up when I'm feeling sluggish.
Logged in to order more, but noticed it's completely out of stock. I'll be absolutely crushed if they discontinue it.
Jessica King
December 2024
Oh my goodness! I have never tasted a healthy tea that tastes this good! I have been educating my friends & family for years that the “tea” you buy in stores really has minimal if any health benefits regardless of what it says on their box.. this company has so far as a first time customer blown me away with every tea I have tried in my 1st purchase ( I tried 10 loose leaf varieties ) so much so I ordered a 2nd time within 4 days, my 15 year old daughter has loved them too. I stumbled upon this company when searching for gifts for my oldest 2 daughters for Christmas gifts, & I am so glad that I did!
Tastes fruit and very sweet with a tart sharpness. Spicy aroma of cinnamon.
The first time I made this tea I let it brew too long, and I was not fond of the strong fruit flavor. So now I brew it with an equal amount of Jade Oolong, and it is wonderful! The result is oolong/spicey, but very smooth and enjoyable to drink... Not too much of either flavor. Very relaxing and delicious!
This tea smells so delicious! I wish I would have purchased more. It taste sweet and it's just an overall enjoyable experience.
Lynn Tillson
November 2021
Brewed hot, this tea is amazingly refreshing with a wonderful, complex taste. I also cold brew in very lightly sweetened lemonade for a fantastic summer drink.
Steven Williams
February 2021
I Love this Tea I find this tea has a nice flavour and gives a natural energy boost
Gilda Siivola
January 2021
I want to buy a flower of lemon grass . If you have how much per pounds..Thank you
I wish all healthy things tasted and smelled as good as this tea. It is a rare treat to consume something this healthy and delicious.
A delicious tea that feels just like you’re drinking in better health! Have just ordered another pack after trying just one cup of my first.
Tasty And Wholesome
June 2020
I ordered this & received it in 2 days. The tea is amazing! It has a good taste - sweet but not overly sweet, and a it also has a wholesome taste to it. I highly recommend it!
This tea is remarkable! The ingredients blend and work exceptionally well together. Proof that this is a superior tea is that you can actually distinguish several notes of flavor(s). The health benefits are also a big plus. It is equally good hot or cold. You can change the taste by varying the steeping times. This tea has become my primary "go to" and I consume at least two pots a day! Well worth a try.
The perfect blend for an afternoon pick me up! I'll order again.
I like the tea but it would be nice to know the nutritional facts of it.
This is a delicious tea, and it really packs a holistic-health punch. Really impressive herb combination that delivers a delicious tea you can drink hot or cold!
One I keep.coming back to, a staple for my daily routine.
This tea is a favorite absolutely fantastic; it is very refreshing; feels good drinking it; have ordered more.
I really enjoy this tea. It's flavorful and has delicate but distinct notes of fruity sweetness and a sweet minty finish. I will buy this again!
This is the first tea I have tried from Tealyra and it is delicious! It has a subtly sweet caramel flavour, without the brashness that I find most fruit teas have. I love it!
The aroma of the tea is wonderful and sweet, very inviting. The taste is gentle, with hints of spice and fruitiness, but not overwhelming. This tea is not bitter, but it is also not too sweet.
I ordered the tea hoping to reap all the benefits this tea has to offer, and now knowing the taste, this has easily become one of my favourites.
The combination of ingredients is by far the longest list I have encountered, but they all blend so perfectly.
The only downside (for me) is that it is low caffeine, and I prefer something a little higher, but I will just add some green tea to give a boost without compromising flavour.
I like the aroma of this tea. It smells nice, and the list of the health beneficial ingredients is impressive. The only downside is that this tea is on the expensive side. I would mix it with some other tea to make it last longer.
This is my favourite tea. I love the smell and taste. I some times mix it with oolong to make it go further.
I definitely think it gives your skin a healthy glow when drunk regularly.
As I tea snob I was not expecting to like this tea - but I do. I bought it for the pomegranate which is suppose to help with neuro-inflammation and other conditions like diabetes. In fact this tea is very, very tasty. I also like the fact that you can see and identify the bits of fruit and other herbs added to the tea. That always speaks of a higher quality tea IMO. No dust to this tea. The flavor of the tea is fruity as the predominant flavor. Hard to describe but it is slightly sweet. I find if very refreshing and uplifting. No jitters. I think one could add this mix to their own green or even black tea if you wish a little caffeine. I think green tea would complement the flavor of this tea best.
It almost smells and tastes somewhat like bubble gum. Amazingly delicious for being a "health" tea. :)
does this tea havecaffine
Wonderful light flavour not at all "healthy" tasting.
I was mixing this with regular loose green tea, just for the taste. Last week, I became concerned because I had very little appetite. Then, I realized that the diet tea was working. I'm stocking up, now. I've lost 14lbs in 6 weeks with very little effort. And #1, I am NOT hungry!
Leigh-Ann S.
December 2020
I like definitely like this tea, however I would normally only drink tea with no added sugar. This product says no sugar, but then if you take closer look at the ingredients the "freeze-dried yoghurt granules" contain sugar. This is confusing, as it is marketed as a "health" tea yet also contains sugar? For this reason it looses a star. I should have read the ingredients more closely before ordering. I wish they would indicate the caloric/carb value induced by the yogurt granules. Otherwise, it is has a delightful smell and taste. The light caffeine is a perfect pick me up for anyone who is caffeine sensitive but wants a little boost.
First cup, first impression
Taste and smells great. Immediately after pouring the water I had the aroma of scented apple-cinnamon candle flowing out of my cup. I was happy to see that it tasted just as sweet as the smell.
I already love this tea after 2 cups. Now if I end-up losing weight as well that will be a bonus.