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Mon Préféré
Thé noir Earl Grey Classique

Earl Grey Classique

En stock: 233
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)
Earl Grey est un classique raffiné du thé anglais. Si vous recherchez la saveur traditionnelle du meilleur classique anglais, inutile de changer quelque chose qui est déjà parfait !

Nous voulions que notre Earl Grey Classique reste fidèle à sa tradition et nous avons gardé des choses simples et authentiques afin de vous fournir le meilleur Earl Grey ; Un simple mélange de délicieux thés noirs de Ceylan du Sri Lanka, rehaussé par l'ajout d'huile de bergamote hautement parfumée et naturelle. L'huile de bergamote est ultra complémentaire et confère une note citronnée à l'Earl Grey : la clé du goût caractéristique d'un thé Earl Grey.
Ingrédients principaux
Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
3 - 4 min
Thé noir, pétales de bleuet, arôme naturel
Hadeil Al-Tamimi
Janvier 2024
[EN] Very glad I bought this despite the low reviews. Great Earl grey. If you like strong citrus earl grey aroma this one delivers. I’ve tried several ones and I seem to prefer the soap smelling kind lol This has such a nice smell and taste once brewed. Not bitter at all. Make sure to not exceed 5min. I brew mine at 95c and steep for 5 then immediately remove the leaves and add some milk. If you drink without milk I would advice brewing for 3-4 min.
Février 2022
[EN] Having searched to find the perfect Earl Grey, and being disappointed many times over, this is definitely the nicest version I've found to date. It is divinely fragrant as noted by another reviewer, this is exactly how Earl Grey should be! The bergamot is just right, powerful enough to be of note which I find is missing in many others. You know you're drinking a high quality tea - the comparison to Twinings made me laugh!
Décembre 2021
[EN] after trying several different earl grey teas, this is the best flavor, i found alot of other teas had tooooo much bergamont to the point where it seemed like i was drinking perfume, yuck! if you want the best try tealyra.
Mars 2021
[EN] I have no idea what the reviewers are on about with regards to this Earl Grey, they must be used to boring tea. This is not boring bland flavorless tea. This is a divinely fragrant powerful truly bergamot flavored tea. No this is not Twinings (insert eye roll emoji here ???? ), this is a real bold delicious strong black tea. If you like Twinings or Bigelow, then buy that, you shouldn’t be shopping for boutique teas anyway cause you obviously don’t understand them, they are intended to be flavourful, not bland. The scent of this tea is citrusy, flowery, invigorating and just gorgeous. If you don’t like that then you shouldn’t bother. Go to a high tea event and significantly overpay for a boring white bread and cucumber sandwich to have with your boring tea instead.
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